Wednesday 18 May 2011

Stuck Forever In 1859 Victorian Times!

Stuck Forever In 1859 Victorian Times!

By Wholly Deaf Writer, Deborah Chambre Young


Chapter 1 - First morning before and after the road accident!

Chapter 2 - “Oh My God!!” – D time-travelled into 1958 by accident!

Chapter 3 - D jumped because a man caught her by the shoulder!

Chapter 4 - D had to bear with being stuck in the late Fifties at Thomas’s and Emily’s house!

Chapter 5 - D was thrown out of their house – the police chasing her!

Chapter 6 - D returned to the wrong time in 2019 by 5 minutes too soon!

Chapter 7 - Seven months later (Feb 2020).

Chapter 8 - D was ready for time-travelling back into 1958!

Chapter 9 - D and ‘Baby’ D at the same time in 1959!

Chapter 10 - 2059 – “Oh My God!!” - D was unable to return to 2019!

Chapter 11 - During 1959!

Chapter 12 - During 2059!

Chapter 13 – D’s biggest problem!  This time she was stuck FOREVER in Victorian times!


Chapter 1

First morning before and after the road accident!

On 27th March 2019 at 4am, the ‘Time Flash’ alarm clock light flashed to wake wholly deaf D up and she got out of her bed.  She dressed and checked her iPhone to see if any message(s) there.  While she ate her breakfast, she checked the incoming emails and Facebook on her main PC before she drove her car out of her flat’s car port in Rickmansworth to work at Tesco in Amersham, Buckinghamshire as a Personal Shopper for the Dotcom Department. 

While she drove her car on the A404, passing the A404 bridge over the M25 motorway onto Rickmansworth Road, Chorleywood, and before she was going to enter Little Chalfont, the countryside was dark during the early morning.  She checked her car’s digital time display to make sure she would not be late for work and the time was 5.40am – she thought it would be enough time.  She then became panicky when she saw a big lorry overtaking the slow vehicle from the oncoming traffic, and it was too late for her to swerve when that big lorry’s bright lights were close to her front car, she screamed, “AARGHHH”.  Suddenly, she saw everything went black for a moment and then suddenly returned to the same road.  She stopped her car, because she was very shaken, but she was surprised, because the same big lorry had disappeared!  She got out of her car to see what happened, but everything was dark and no more passing vehicles!  She returned to her car and drove off again.  She entered Little Chalfont, but she noticed there was something strange there – no speed trap camera, no zebra crossing, a few parked old late Fifties and early Sixties look-alike vehicles outside their homes and the shops looked different – no new Little Chalfont Tesco Express store shown on A404.  She discovered the road layouts looked not the same between Little Chalfont and Amersham.  She started to feel strange!  She felt sure she was not driving on the wrong road.  She entered London Road West and she said to herself, “It could not have been.....” when she saw the Tesco store (opened in February 1990) had disappeared, but she discovered the old factory had appeared instead!  She was shocked and confused!  She tried to enter that factory to find out, but it was closed - it was after 6am.  She did not understand why she thought she was in the wrong location at first, but she believed she should be in the right place, but everything there looked like back-dated!  She began to think she may have time-travelled into the mid-20th century, but she thought it was impossible!  She tried to look at her car’s digital time and date, but it showed 27.03.2019 and 6.18am!  She was puzzled!  She tried to use her iPhone for sending Facebook message to her boss to find out, but no ‘4G’, and ‘No Internet Connection’ showed up on her iPhone before EE started in the 21st Century!  She was frustrated! 

She decided to go back home to find out.  During her driving journey home, she had discovered everything had changed along the A404.  She also noticed that the A404 had no bridge over M25, there was no M25, not many traffic lights, etc.  She reached her home town of Rickmansworth, and she also discovered the office blocks near Rickmansworth Station had disappeared, and as she drove towards old Wrights Park Garage (she remembered this when she was younger) before she drove into Talbot Road.  She found her flat had disappeared, but old Kings Yard warehouse was there instead!  She cried because she realized that she had lost her home, lost her belongings, etc.  She also realized that she had no money with her, but just her iPhone, a Tesco clock card with her name on it, her flat and car keys, a sweet packet of Polo in her Tesco trouser pockets, as well as her 21st Century car!  During the light morning, she wondered whether her old home was there in Rushmoor Close, so she tried to go there to find out.  She drove along Harefield Road and she noticed another Tesco store (opened in July 1994) had also disappeared, but just old Walkers Timber Yard was there instead!  She was horrified when she saw there was no sign of Rushmoor Close, only the big old house and the large Orchard land with lots of fruit trees in Harefield Road with the background of the hilly countryside!  She realized it must have been before 1960.

Chapter 2

“Oh My God!!” – D time-travelled into 1958 by accident!

She tried to find out to what date she had time-travelled, so she went to D.A. Long’s Newsagents in Church Street to find out from the Daily Express newspaper’s date.  She was shocked, saying, “Oh my God!!” when she saw the date was 27th March 1958!!  Young Mr Long asked her if she needed any help.  She could remember him when she was a little girl and she used to go to the same newsagents every Saturday!  She did not say, but she left there without that newspaper, because she had no money!  She checked her car’s petrol gauge to see if she had enough petrol for her to drive to Woodford where her parents-to-be (and herself) used to live.  She was hoping that her parents-to-be would be able to help her.  She realized that she would not be able to get more unleaded petrol, because at that time, they had no unleaded petrol, but just leaded petrol!  She had to be careful not to drive her car too often unless she would really need.  She became uncomfortable when the people were staring at her white 21st Century Vauxhall Corsa car while she drove!  She felt strange when she drove on the various roads passing a few old Fifties and Sixties vehicles!  She arrived in Hillside Avenue, Woodford, and left her parked car on the side road outside her parents-to-be’s house.   She was nervous when she knocked on her parents-to-be’s front door.  Young H (her late mum-to-be) opened the front door, and D used her sign language, she said, “Hello Mom, do you recognise me, D?  I need your help, please?”  H said, “What?  I do not understand what you said with your signing hands.  Who are you?”  She called young G (her late dad-to-be) and he came towards D.  D said with her sign language, “Sorry I am deaf, and I cannot talk, but I need your help please.  I am your future daughter, you see.  I have a problem that I have lost everything, and I have no home and no money.  I think I’ve time travelled into 1958 from 2019 by accident since the crash on A404, I do not know why!”  G said to D “What?  Sorry, I do not understand you?  Who are you?  Is the white car yours?”  Unfortunately, D could not understand what G had said.  She realized that they could not understand the sign language till she would teach them in about 1967.  She asked them for a pen and paper, so she could write down to explain.  Unfortunately, they did not understand her.  G said to D “That’s enough.  Would you please leave us alone?  We feel uncomfortable.  Thank you.”  They said good-bye to her, and they also shut their front door.  She was very upset due to misunderstanding, because of communicating difficulty (after she was very pleased to meet her ‘young’ parents-to-be that time, because she misses her dearest parents who passed away in September 2001 and February 2018).  She was horrified when she saw some people were puzzled while they looked all around her 21st Century car.  She was afraid to return to her car, so she had to walk away from them until they were gone. 

Unfortunately, she saw G came out of his front door, and he looked at her car and he discovered her car looked futuristic – he was puzzled.  He called H to see her car.  They decided to phone the police to have a look at it.  The policeman arrived, and they were puzzled about a car that they had not seen like that before!  Then, the policeman had to call the Sergeant to see it.  He copied from her car number plate on his notebook.  He returned to the police station and he tried to phone DVLA to find out, but they had no record of her car number plate!  The other policemen were unable to open her car’s door due to the 21st Century security lock and alarm.  G and H told them about that deaf woman’s (D) strange clothes – futuristic look Tesco navy fleece top and navy trouser.  The police were waiting for D to return to her car for questioning.  D was so scared, and she realized that she would not be able to retrieve her car, because of the policemen were around near her car, waiting for her. 

D found 33 Hillside Avenue in 1958 (right side of this pic). Baby D used to live there from 1959 to 1962.

Chapter 3

D jumped because a man caught her by the shoulder!

She remembered she had gone to visit the outside of 33 Hillside Avenue in April 2007 for taking some updated photos to show her late Mom, so D was able to know where she could walk to Woodford Tube Station.  She was thinking of trying to get a job in London to earn her living, so she thought she would be able to rent a room for the time being until she hoped to find out how she would be able to get back into 2019 one day.  She was worried, because she realized that she had no P45, National Insurance, etc. with her, but only Tesco clock card with her full names in it as an I.D.  She had to try to get some tube trains to London without paying the tube train ticket, because she had no money, but she knew that at the time they had lack of the security.  Fortunately, a man in his fifty-something ran after her, because he had seen her and her 21st Century car arriving outside 33 Hillside Avenue, and he had watched her since.  D jumped because that man caught her by the shoulder.  He was trying to speak to her, but D told him she was deaf.  She asked him for a pen and paper, he understood, and he took his pen and notebook out of his briefcase.  Deborah wrote, “Who are you?  Why are you following me?”  He wrote, “Well, I am a professor for science and biology.  My name is Prof. Thomas Brown.  I can sense you have problems, because I saw your ‘futuristic’ car parked outside 33 Hillside Avenue that it looks like you came from the future?  I am aware of the time travelling. I have met some people who time-travelled into my year from their tomorrow’s years by accident because they had the road accidents.  I have resolved their problems by returning them to their normal year, but I have not heard from them since.  Do you need my help with travelling back to your year?  Which year were you coming from?  By the way, what is your name?  Are you wholly deaf?  I have a friend who is a teacher at Woodford School For The Deaf.”  D wrote, “My name is D……...  Yes, I am wholly deaf, from Heston School For The Deaf.  I am glad that you can understand about my problems.  I really do need to go back to 2019 where I came from.  I have problems that I do not have money and no home to stay.  I am very tired and very hungry!”  Thomas wrote, “Well no problem, you can sleep in our spare bedroom for a while – I live with my wife in Woodford.  I think we have enough food for you to eat.  You can tell us all about your problems later.  Would you like to go to our house now with me?”  D wrote, “Oh thank you – it’s very kind of you, but I am worried, because you mentioned you live in Woodford – the policemen are looking for me – I do not want to be caught by them.  They would lock me up, I think!”  He wrote, “Don’t worry, I shall make sure they won’t see you, and my wife would be able to lend you her Fifties clothes so that they won’t notice you.”  D wrote, “OK, thank you.”  They went to his house to meet his wife and he explained this to his wife.  She understood, and she introduced her name Emily to D.  She made D feeling welcome and gave her some food.  D found their spare bedroom strange, because of the Fifties things!  Emily lent D her clothes and she changed into them.  She went downstairs to their lounge with Thomas and Emily and she wrote down with explanations to them about her problems, and she showed them her Tesco clock card with her full names on it, as proof.  Then she wrote for some help, “Do you know how I can time-travel back to 2019?”  Thomas wrote, “When would you be born on your normal date of birth?”  D wrote, “I was born on 11th April 1959 at 11am.”  Thomas wrote, “Well, I think you are about 4 months’ stuck in the late Fifties until about July 1958 when your mum-to-be becomes pregnant, and you might then be able to go back into 2019.”  D wrote, “Thanks, but I am worried that I might be dead in 2019, because I remember I had a road accident on A404 between Chorleywood and Little Chalfont from an overtaking lorry that crashed my car, but I managed to escape it by time-travelling into 1958!”  Thomas wrote, “Oh well, but who knows you might be injured in a hospital in 2019??!  It would be likely a gamble whether you would be injured, or you would be dead??!”  D was really worried about her 2019 life after the road accident.  She wrote, “Would it be possible for someone to tell my parents-to-be who are living at 33 Hillside Avenue not to have a baby (mean myself), so I would be able to live into the Sixties, Seventies, Eighties, Nineties and the 21st Century?  Of course, I know I would miss the 21st Century technologies, etc., and my iPhone is not working so I would put up with the old-fashioned things!”  Thomas wrote, “Unfortunately, I do not think it would be possible, because if you would not have been born, you would be disappeared into the thin air on 11th April, 1959 at 11am, because you would be ‘unknown’ name, and the government would have no records in your name such as the birth certificate, etc.  Sorry!”  D wrote, “OK I understand, and I would have to accept to get stuck in the late fifties until July 1958 to time-travel back into 2019 whether I shall be alive with injury, or dead!  But how do I know when my mum-to-be becomes pregnant during July 1958?”  Thomas wrote, “When your mum-to-be becomes pregnant, you would feel strange, then you should leave here immediately to return to A404 with your car where you had the road accident.  Then you might be able to time-travel back into 2019.  Please do not worry much about this – we will look after you till you leave us in July 1958.”  D wrote, “Oh thank you, it’s truly kind of you both.  I hope you both would not mind about my stay.  I would like to offer to pay you both for using the electricity, gas, food, etc.  I have problems about how I can get a job without my P45, National Insurance, etc. that I left behind in 2019!  I can only show my Tesco clock card with my full names on it to show the employer as proof!”  Thomas wrote, “No way to show your Tesco clock card, because the employers would find it strange and they might decide not to employ you!”  Emily suggested to D to go to bed early because she was overtired.  She was unable to sleep well during that night, because she was worried about returning to 2019, etc.

Chapter 4

D had to bear with being stuck in the late Fifties at Thomas’s and Emily’s house!

Next morning, Thomas went to the nearest newsagents and he bought a Daily Express newspaper.  He was shocked when he read an article ‘DEAF WOMAN AND HER FUTURISTIC CAR!’ with a picture of D’s futuristic car!  He showed this to Emily and D.  They were worried about they might be in trouble if the police, or anyone would find out about them hiding D at their house.  They had to tell D that she would not be able to apply for any job, because of that incident.  They told her that she could keep wearing Emily’s Fifties clothes, so that no-one would notice when she would be out for shopping, or a day out.   They advised her not to contact anyone, because they knew she could not talk and some people would realize that she would be the right deaf woman who was the owner of the futuristic car – they might report this to the police.  She agreed with him.  Thomas also advised her to keep away from H and G, because if they realized who their future daughter would be when they met D before she was born – they might decide to postpone their plan for having a baby – it would mean that D would be disappeared into thin air after 11th April, 1959 at 11am!  D was not happy about this situation and having to bear with being stuck in the late Fifties till July 1958!

During these 4 months, D was fed up being stuck in 1958, and she really missed her 2019 life.  She was very aware that her employer, her relatives, and friends would have been puzzled why about her missing for 4 months.  She was very depressed without her computer, Facebook, seeing her friends, etc. and her iPhone was not connectable.  She also missed watching ‘Eastenders’ on TV.  She was sick of watching Thomas’s and Emily’s boring black and white TV with 3 channels BBC1, BBC2 and ITV only and no subtitles at that time!  She had to put up with cooking, cleaning, etc. on Emily’s and Thomas’s old-fashioned appliances like the cooker, etc.  No ready-made food available in 1958!  Thomas gave D some money in shillings and old pennies, so she was able to go out for some shopping for them, but she had to be more careful about her appearance while she wore the full Fifties clothes.  She felt funny when she entered some old-fashioned shops, and saw the people wore their late Fifties clothes, school children wore their old-fashioned school uniform, etc.  On another day, she went to the newsagents again, and she could not believe when she saw young Gertrud (her grandma-to-be) and young TL (her aunt-to-be) were with young H (her mum-to-be) there.  She found it difficult to resist the temptation by meeting them, but she had to leave the newsagents immediately before H would recognise her.  Deborah really missed them from her heart!

She kept checking on her car from the opposite road, but unfortunately, the policemen were still around guarding – she was frustrated.  She was worried about July 1958 whether she would be able to retrieve her car for time-travelling back into 2019, or not.  She needed to have a word with Thomas and Emily about her car.  She wrote, “I think I still have the problem that I might be not able to retrieve my car for returning into 2019 when I would feel strange in July, because the policemen are still guarding my car!”  Thomas wrote, “Emily and I are trying to do our best – we would keep talking to all the policemen to take their eyes off your car, you might be able to retrieve your car.  We know it can be risky!”  D wrote, “But I am worried about you both because the policemen might arrest you for helping me to retrieve my car, and I do not want you both get into trouble!  I know you have been truly kind to me since.  Thank you.  We will have to wait and see!”  Thomas wrote, “OK.”

Chapter 5

D was thrown out of their house – the police chasing her!

During July 1958, one dark late evening before 11pm while Thomas and Emily were at the pub for some drinks with their friends, a young man of about twenty-something entered their house by opening their front door with a key.  He had returned home from the army service.  He was surprised when he saw D watching the TV.  She jumped when he suddenly appeared in a soldier’s uniform in the lounge.  He asked her, “Who are you?  What are you doing here at my parents’ house?”  He was in a bad mood and suspicious.  She said to him, “Sorry, I am deaf.”  She fetched a pen and notebook, and she wrote, “I am D….... and I am a friend of Emily’s and Thomas’s who are living in this house.  They have let me stay here for a short while.  By the way, who are you?  Are you Emily’s and Thomas’s son?”  He wrote in an aggressive way, “GET OUT OF OUR HOME NOW!”  She was upset, and she grabbed her own keys, and she left their house.  She has had enough of the Fifties situation!  She ran towards her own car while the policemen were around, quickly slipped into her driver seat and drove off!  The police cars (with the old fashioned blue ‘siren’ flashing lights) were chasing after her car during that dark night, but they lost her, because she was able to drive over 100mph in her powerful 21st Century car!  She was shattered afterwards.  She was lost in London nearly all night till she recognised the A40 in Baker Street, and she then knew the way onto A404 between Chorleywood and Little Chalfont.

She arrived back onto A404 in Chorleywood and she looked at her car’s digital time and date display – it was 2.30am and 16.07.2019 (it was actually 16.07.1958, because it was impossible for her car’s digital date display to change the year back to 1958).  She stopped for a few hours’ sleep in her car because she was exhausted.  She woke up at 5.35am.  She guessed she was about to start feeling strange, so she decided to drive onto A404 in the countryside from Chorleywood to Little Chalfont.  Suddenly, she did feel strange and she saw a faint vision while time-travelling, but suddenly, she saw two 21st Century cars passing her from the oncoming traffic on A404, one after the other!  She shouted, “Yippee” because she believed she was back into her normal 21st Century!  She was looking forward to going home!  But when she looked at her car’s digital time/date display again – it was 5.35am on 27.03.2019, she was surprised about the date back to 27th March 2019, because she thought it would have been 16th July 2019 instead of 27th March 2019, but she remembered it was 5.40am on 27th March 2019 that she had the road accident with the big lorry.  She realized that she was 5 minutes early before that road accident.  She decided to park her car in the parking area off A404 to prevent the same accident, by waiting for the big lorry to pass.  She could not believe when she saw the same big lorry overtaking the same slow vehicle on A404 past her parked car in the parking area!  Afterwards, she realized that she was already saved, instead of injured, or dead - she was relieved and happy!  She realized that the young man of about twenty-something (she guessed he was Emily and Thomas’s son) must have saved her life without him being aware, after he had thrown her out of their house on Tuesday 15th July, 1958, causing her to drive off in a hurry!  She also knew now that Thomas was wrong about waiting till she would feel strange in Woodford!  It would have been too late for her being alive! 

Chapter 6

D returned to the wrong time in 2019 by 5 minutes too soon!

Before D was going to drive out of the parking area, she suddenly fell asleep in her driver seat in her parked car, because she was very exhausted, and she felt a pain in her heart.  A few hours later, the policemen in the police car passed her parked car and they recognised her car number plate, because she had been reported as a missing woman.  The police car turned back to her car.  The policemen found D asleep in her driver seat.  They opened her driver door and woke her up.  D felt unwell.  One of the policemen wrote, “Are you alright?  Are you the right person who has been missing for 4 months?  We have looked everywhere for you!  Your employer and everyone are worried about you!  We are going to call them now.”  She was shocked and puzzled!  She said, “WHAT?”  Then she wrote, “Yes, I am the right person.  I do not understand what you were talking about my missing for 4 months!  I thought, I returned to 27th March 2019 today.  I think I’d better check my car’s digital date display again.”  The policeman was puzzled (because he saw she was wearing the Fifties top blouse and short trouser!), but he nodded “yes”.  She checked the date, and she could not believe it was 16.07.2019!  She was shocked and confused – she could not understand how she time-travelled from 27th March 2019 to 16th July 2019 while she slept in her car!  She fainted and the policeman called the ambulance.  The ambulance arrived and they took her into Watford General Hospital for some medical checks.  They could not believe when they found her heart was old, but they decided that she needed some rest.  After, she had been rested there for a few days, the police officer came to see D for questioning.  He handed her the Tesco uniform, her Tesco clock card with her full names on it and her un-charged iPhone that the screen did not appear – battery went flat.  She was incredibly surprised, and puzzled, because she thought she had left them behind at Thomas’s and Emily’s house in 1958!  She wrote, “Thanks. Where did you get them from?”  He wrote, “A 83 years old Alfred found them at his late mother Emily’s house in Woodford when he was clearing his late mother’s things up many years ago.  He handed them to the Woodford police, because he had seen the newspaper report recently about you missing, with your name and a photo of yourself.  He told the Woodford police that he recognised you, because he met you at his parents’ house 61 years ago!  He explained to the Woodford police about you, the time-travelling and that you met his late parents.  At first, we, the Watford police thought it was impossible about you being there 61 years ago, because you were born after 1958!  We did the search on the Internet.  Fortunately, we found the old newspaper record with the picture of your parked car outside 33 Hillside Avenue, Woodford in 1958 that matches your car number plate!  And the Woodford police in 1958 were going to charge you for speeding when they chased you after you drove off out of Woodford on 15th July 1958 at 11.20pm!  They were unable to trace your car since.  ‘Present’ Woodford police told us, Alfred would like to meet you, because he owes you an apology for throwing you out of his late parents’ house when he was 22 years old!  His late father told him off, because his late father felt you would time-travel back into 2019 too soon, and he believed everything had gone wrong!  He thought you would have about an old heart – you gained 61 years by time-travelling from 1958, because your mother’s pregnancy was not fully developed!”  D was shocked and speechless!  She realized that Alfred did not save her life and Thomas was right!  She also realized why she kept feeling very tired and lack of energy after she returned to the wrong time in 2019 by 5 minutes too soon, because of her biological old heart at 121 years old (she was 60 in 1958)!     

Chapter 7

Seven months later (Feb 2020).

Seven months later (Feb 2020), D had to retire from work early on her doctor’s orders due to her old heart.  She needed to have plenty of rest – the hospital consultant said that they thought she had a few years to live due to gaining her 61 years life from 1958 to 2019.

She really needed to see Alfred.  She asked the police for Alfred’s contact details, so they could arrange for her to see him.  He came to see her at her flat.  D asked him for his advice about possibly returning to 27th March 1958 to correct her heart age by time-travelling back to 16th July 2019 again, by 5 minutes late.  He said, “It could have been possible – I think it would be worth a try”!  (He was not qualified like his late father – he used to be in the Army and then he became a bank clerk before he retired.)  He apologised to her for throwing her out of his parents’ house on 15th July 1958.  She accepted his apology.  She told him she guessed about her time-travelling path on A404 between Chorleywood and Little Chalfont, because that is where she possibly had the road accident!  He agreed with her.  He wrote a note for her to his late father Thomas, asking him to help her to time-travel to the correct time.  He left her flat. 

Before 27th March 2020, she was busy packing her fifties clothes, etc.  She drove her car to the petrol station for getting more unleaded petrol.  She felt she worn out due to her old heart!  She also noticed most shops started to lockdown and few people wore their face masks due to Covid-19!

Chapter 8

D was ready for time-travelling back into 1958!

On 27th March 2020, D drove on A404, hoping to go back to 27th March 1958 and she did.  She thought it had worked, because she saw one late 1950’s car on A404 and she could see her car’s digital date 27.03.2020 (she had thought it was 27.03.58) and she felt her heart was back to normal!  She drove to Woodford and immediately to Thomas’s and Emily’s house, asking them to hide her car in their garage immediately.  They were surprised to see her again! 

She asked Thomas for his advice about possibly returning to Wednesday 16th July 2019 by 5 minutes late. 

He wrote, “It’s too late now –it’s impossible, because today is 27th March 1959!”  She was shocked.  He also wrote, “Your mother-to-be is 8 and a half months pregnant now!  You won’t be able to go back into 16th July, 2019, but if you would go back to 2019 that means, you would disappear into thin air in your car on A404 and crash due to your old heart by gaining another 61 years’ time-travelling!  If you would stay on here from 1959 – you might be disappeared into the thin air on Saturday 11th April, 1959 at 11am when your mother-to-be gives birth to new baby D, otherwise you may be lucky staying on living into 21st Century as an unregistered UK Citizen, because it’s too late for you to return back to your correct day and time.”

She had to decide to stay on from 1959 to put up with the Fifties’ life, staying at Thomas and Emily Brown’s house again!  She needed to use her iPhone to let her relatives and friends know.  Unfortunately, she regretted that she left her un-chargeable iPhone behind at home in 2020!  She was upset.  She was worried about them in 2020, because she thought they would be worried about not having heard from D for such a long time!

Chapter 9

D and ‘Baby’ D at the same time in 1959!

 On 11th April 1959 D’s parents-to-be H and G had their new baby D.  After that day, D started to feel her mind playing up and very confused from time to time!  Emily was puzzled after she noticed her crying like a baby!  And about a few weeks’ later, ‘Baby’ D used sign language about iPhone to H and G!  They were very puzzled!  And on other days, ‘Baby’ D drew D’s white car – they were shocked, because they remembered they met a strange deaf woman (D) and her white car!  G said to H, “Last year….!  Oh my God, it could have been her, our future daughter?!!!”  H fainted!  D behaved like a crying baby from time to time – Thomas realised that problem – two Ds with the same memory at the same time!  Thomas advised D to go back to 2020, to disappear into thin air, so she would be kinder to ‘Baby’ D who needed to have only one memory.

Baby D in 1959.

Chapter 10

D was unable to return to 2020!

D agreed nervously to go back to A404 by her car, and she time-travelled back into 2020.  She was surprised that she did not disappear into thin air – she felt her heart was still normal!  She was relieved when she saw her car’s digital date was 27.05.2020, but she was confused when she saw the futuristic small cars that she had not seen that type of cars before!  She changed into her 2020 clothes in her car.  She tried to drive to her home in Rickmansworth, but she discovered some of the road layouts and the buildings, etc. in Rickmansworth looked more futuristic and not the same as 2020.  She guessed something was not right.  She was surprised when she saw some new blocks of flats in Talbot Road – most old Victorian terraced-houses had disappeared – she tried to enter R Court, but that flats block’s communal hall looked very slum-like – she tried to open her flat door with her key and she was shocked to see the furniture, etc. looked different like not her belongings!  An elderly lady came out of the master bedroom – she said, “Who are you?  How did you get in here?”  D told her she was wholly deaf, and she was the owner of that flat - showed her flat keys to her.  She was surprised to see both had the duplicated keys!  D asked her for a note pad – while she went to fetch it from the kitchen, D saw a 2059 diary on the top of her cabinet drawers - she was shocked!  The lady wrote her name Kate to introduce herself to D.  D wrote her name to Kate.  D asked Kate if her diary 2059 was that year – she was puzzled, and she wrote, “Yes, of course, today is 27th May 2059!”  D was gutted and she told Kate that she had lived in the same flat in 2020, but Kate was confused, because D had not aged at all, and Kate could not understand why the estate agents (on behalf of the solicitors) sold her flat, because they mentioned ‘Baby’ D had passed away by natural causes, but she could see D was alive!  Kate showed her the copy of her Title Deeds as she was the legal owner of her flat.  D wrote, “OK, I understand that you are now the legal owner of that flat in 2059.  I had better leave here now – please do not worry about me.  Thank you.”  D knew she had no right to ask Kate to leave, because it was 2059 and it was not Kate’s fault!  D guessed why she was not in between 1959 and 2059 after ‘Baby’ D was born and before she had died.  She realised that she would not be able to time-travel back into 2020, because she guessed ‘Baby’ D had already existed at 61 in 2020 that means two Ds could not be there in the same year!  

Chapter 11

During 1959!

Back in 1959, H and G were puzzled that ‘Baby’ D’s strange behaviour like using sign language, writing, and drawing the white car had stopped – she started to cry like a normal baby again!  They were relieved!

Chapter 12

During 2059!

Back to 2059, D decided to drive to Tesco Amersham (to find out further information on everything) via Chenies and Latimer to avoid the time-travel path between Chorleywood and Little Chalfont on A404.  She entered Tesco’s car park.  She was surprised when she saw the Tesco store had been demolished and re-built and the new layout car park!  She re-checked the newspaper’s date – it was 27th May 2059!  People at Tesco stared at her due to her back-dated 2020 clothes.  She noticed there were more self-checkout machines – and only a very few checkout operators!  71 years old C as a customer saw D at Tesco!  C was 20 years old in 2009, worked with D for the Dotcom Department.   She was puzzled about D’s nearly same age as 50 years old, 50 years ago in 2009!  D had to explain everything to C by writing it down!  C was shocked, but she understood.  They returned to Tesco’s car park.

D asked C why all the parked cars did not have the tail exhaust pipes. C told D about the electric cars – they are recharging at home from any 110v, or 240v outlet, or at the mall; you even had preferred parking if you had one of these – very few petrol stations due to the fuel shortage in 2059, because the oil companies have not enough oil left.  D noticed that there were not many people around there – C told her that due to Coronavirus in 2020 and 2021 and all the people had to wear their face masks - D recalled that from March 2020!  D realized that she would not be able to go to her home, because Kate was already living there!  She could not argue with her, because she understood it was 2059.

C offered D to stay in her spare room at her house in Amersham for a while.  C advised her to sell the fifties shillings at the pawn shop for new GB Pounds!  D was able to buy 2059’s fashion clothes.  She was unable to apply for any job due to her unregistered British Citizen, N.I., etc., because ‘Baby’ D already had them, and she had died with the registered Death Certificate!  D’s un-chargeable iPhone was left behind at her home in 2020.  She borrowed C’s spare futuristic looking iPhone with the super-fast 6G and Wi-Fi.  D wondered about her godchildren in their late 60’s and early 70’s in Northants.  She hoped they would be able to tell her what was happened to ‘Baby’ D.  She tried to search for them on Facebook, but her Facebook was deactivated after ‘Baby’ D had died! 

She decided to go to Watford Register Office to find out about the dates of ‘Baby’ D’s death certificate.  She was waiting in the waiting room.  She saw the policeman looking at her car in the car park outside that office’s waiting room, through the window.  He was puzzled that D’s car with strange back-dated car with the tail exhaust pipe!  He went to his police car to call the DLVA to check her car number plate on their database, but they had no record of it!  D was in a panic and she ran to retrieve her car before the policeman returned from his police car.  He chased after her car from Watford to her time-travel path on A404, between Chorleywood and Little Chalfont, where he lost sight of her after her car had disappeared into thin air on the A404.  He could not believe what he had seen! 

Chapter 13

D’s biggest problem! This time she was stuck FOREVER in Victorian times!

She time-travelled into an unpaved road!  She felt her car was very bumpy!  She saw her car’s digital date was 17.06.2020 but was horrified when she saw the horse-drawn vehicles!  She guessed it looked like the 19th Century – she had to change her fifties clothes in her car – she was hoping no-one from the 19th Century noticed her strange clothes!  She drove via unpaved A404 to the Rickmansworth Park to cover her car with the broken branches from the wood to hide it.  She walked from Rickmansworth Park straight to Station Road, Rickmansworth (there was no roundabout then).  She found Price’s Newsagents in Station Road – she checked the date in Daily Express – it was 17th June 1859!  She was shocked, and exclaimed, “Oh my God!”  She saw the people wearing their Victorian clothes in Rickmansworth town centre!

She walked towards Beeson and Sons corner shop in Talbot Road/Church Street via High Street.  She saw a few of the same old houses but they looked new in 1859 in Talbot Road, there were no Salters Close and no R Court!  Also, she walked past the 17th Century cottages on the corner of Talbot Road and the High Street.  She saw the walled and old buildings in East High Street.  She thought it was awesome like a dream, but she felt that time had not belonged to her – she felt homesick!

She saw the Swan Hotel in the High Street – she was thinking of staying there for a while, but unfortunately, she had no old shillings, but only new GB Pounds!  She had no friends there then!  Victorian people stared at her.  She felt she could not cope with living in the 19th Century – worse than 1959, but 2059 would not have been bad! 

She went back to the wood to fetch her car to her time-travelling path on unpaved A404 and she tried to time-travel back to 27th March 2020, but she was still seeing the unpaved road!  She tried again and again – no luck!  She wondered about ‘Back To The Future’ films – she tried to set her car’s digital date and time from 17th June 2020 (17th June,1859) to 27th March, 2019 at 5.35am – she hoped to go to her correct day and would swerve in good time from that big lorry to save her, but no luck!  She also tried for 17th June 2020, but still no luck, she then decided 17th June 1959 – she needed Thomas’s help, but still no luck!  She tried to use C’s spare iPhone for help, but no ‘4G’ and ‘No Internet Connection’ showed up again before her Internet Provider started in the 21st Century!  She was annoyed that the battery in C’s device was low – she was unable to recharge them, because the unleaded petrol started to empty, and her car battery was extremely low!  She realized that she had the biggest problem EVER!  She had no place to stay, but she thought she was going to have to live in her hidden car in the wood – no way!  She was so hungry and was bewildered being in the Victorian time!  She was very frustrated, because she now knew she would be stuck in the late fifties of the 19th Century FOREVER – much worse than being stuck in the 20th Century!!  She screamed, “ARRRGGGHHH!!” – she was caught in a nightmare!

D was shocked in High Street / Station Road, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire in Victorian time 1859.